KATIVASTI- How to Get Rid of your Back Pain

The word ‘Kati’ stands for ‘low back’ or ‘waist’ and ‘Vasti’ for ‘containing or retaining something inside’. Kativasti is an ayurvedic lumbo-sacral rejuvenation therapy using hot oil or herbal decoctions. One can achieve both local oleation and sudation through this process. The ...

Mind-Blowing Facts About Shirodhara Treatment

Shirodhara treatment is a classic Ayurvedic therapy, which includes pouring of warm medicated herbal oil on the forehead in a continuous stream. Ayurvedic Shirodhara therapy is very effective in promoting sound sleep and reducing stress. Shirodhara treatment is one among the Bahiparimarjana chikitsa...

The Benefits of an Ayurvedic Abhayanka Massage

Abhyanga: The Ayurvedic Daily Massage A Pleasant Prescription for Mind/Body Health How can a ritual so luxuriously relaxing, so blissfully comforting as a full-body warm oil massage, rev up your body and mind, gearing them up for peak performance? There is an explanation for the seeming contradictio...